Grade Levels

- Ms Lorena
- Firdays, 3:30 to 4:30
Activity Room 1+2
- Grade 3 to 5
Maximum capacity:
- 10 students
About the club:
Zumba Kids Not only is it a great way of developing your children's motor skills, but it's also a great way of building your kid's self-esteem. Incorporating daily fitness routines in your child's day is a critical ingredient in developing a healthy lifestyle.
Classes are designed to meet the level and age of the students, so you can expect all the levels of intensity and the students are free to choose his/her own pace. If your kid likes any kind of dancing, singing, moves and fun, they are definitely welcome.
About the instructor:
Ms Lorena has been teaching Zumba (which includes various dance styles such Hip-Hop, Pop, Rock, Jazz, tango, salsa, bachata, ballroom, merengue, Ballet and on...) in the US for the past 5 years.
This club will cost 15,600 yen to cover the cost of the instructor for this round.