Science News

Grade 4 Enjoy Making Crystals in the Chemistry Lab

Elementary students are regularly invited to the Science Centre to experience Science classes taught in specialist laboratories by the Secondary Science teachers.

Here we see Grade 4 students learning how to make crystals. The students clearly enjoyed the opportunity of experiencing some hands-on practical work. They were encouraged to use the correct scientific vocabulary for states of matter and changes of state, consolidating what they had learned in class on evaporation and dissolving. Students took the salt solutions that they had prepared back to their classroom and many students were able to see some beautiful crystals form.

When asked about their experience in the Laboratory, one student said ‘The best thing about it was being able to see the results. Our group’s crystals took a long time to form. Some looked foggy but some were really pretty. I liked doing experiments with my friends and looking at the chemicals in the cupboards’.


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