Science News

Middle School Science Fair 2015

Middle School Science Fair 2015

There was a bustling of activity in the Science Center starting at about 1pm on the first day of May as twenty-one groups of sixth and seventh graders set up for the Middle School Science Fair 2015. In addition to the 10+ weeks of research and data collection, the students had devoted many hours designing posters upon which to display their findings. Parents, friends, faculty (and Science Fair judges!) came to view these posters and hear about what each group had discovered. Students from Yokohama Science Frontier High School also attended the event.

The final Science Fair Award and YSFH Award recipients in each grade will be announced at the end of the year. In addition, some students strove to link their project with the theme of food security from International Day. The single winning project that will be awarded this prize will also be announced at the end of the year.

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Thank you for your ongoing support for Saint Maur’s young scientists. We believe they learned valuable lessons not only about science, but also about teamwork and perseverance. We look forward to seeing you again next year!

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